Mind, Value and Mental Health: Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School and Conference

Mind, Value and Mental Health: Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School and Conference
23 – 25 July 2015: St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford
It is with great pleasure that we announce two linked events comprising:
  • a two-day summer school offering opportunities for substantial dialogue between philosophers, scientists and mental health practitioners
  • a one-day conference delivered by renowned experts in the field through keynote lectures
Presented by the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department for Continuing Education, these events will explore the areas in which the philosophy of mind and ethics or the philosophy of value come into contact with issues about mental health.
2nd Oxford Summer School
23–24 July 2015
Delivered by renowned experts in the field through guest lectures and seminars, and providing opportunities for substantial dialogue between philosophers, scientists and mental health practitioners.
Topics include:
  • Other Minds (Anita Avramides, Joel Kruegar and Vasu Reddy)
  • Hallucinations/Psychosis (Matthew Broome, Matthew Parrott and Owen Earnshaw)
  • Embodiment (Katherine Morris and Emily Troscianko)
  • Mental Health and Human Flourishing (Edward Harcourt and Jeremy Holmes)
  • Ancients and Mental Health (Karen Margarethe Nielsen)
  • Mental Illness and Creativity (Ann Dowker)
25 July 2015
Stimulating keynote lectures delivered by international speakers including:
  • Rachel Cooper (Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK)
  • Owen Flanagan (James B Duke Professor and Professor of Neurobiology, Duke University, USA)
  • Gerrit Glas (Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
  • Anna Christina Nobre (Professor of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity and Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK)
Both events will be led by members of the Faculty of Philosophy:
  • Dr Anita Avramides (Reader in Philosophy of Mind, University of Oxford, and Southover Manor Trust Fellow in Philosophy, St. Hilda’s College)
  • Professor Martin Davies (Wilde Professor of Mental Philosophy, Corpus Christi College)
  • Professor Bill Fulford (Fellow of St Catherine’s College and Member of the Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford, and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Mental Health, University of Warwick)
  • Dr Edward Harcourt (University Lecturer (CUF) in Philosophy, Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, Keble College)
Venue: St Hilda’s College, Oxford offering plenty of networking opportunities.
Residential and non-residential options are available.
Further details available: www.conted.ox.ac.uk/ppss2
To register your interest in this summer school, please email conferences@conted.ox.ac.uk